Wednesday, June 29, 2016



In Totara Whanau, we have been learning about the Maori New year, also known as Matariki.  The seven stars are called Uru-a-rangi, Waipuna-a-rangi, Waita, Waiti, Tupu-a-rangi, Tupu-a-nuku and Matariki.  Matariki can be spotted during late May or early June.  Matariki was a time to remember the ones who had died since the last celebration.  But Matariki is also a happy event, with lots of the crops that have grown.  Matariki is a time singing, feasting and dancing.  Matariki celebrations were stopped in 1940, but revived in 2000.  Not many people took part at first, but within a few years thousands of people were following.  Matariki is also known as 'New Zealand Thanksgiving'.
Me and Hunta mixing the fish sauce

Claire cooking the fry bread
For our Matariki we did multiple activities such as cooking, carving, flax weaving, kite making and sewing.  I chose to do cooking.  Cooking was originally meant to be from 9:00 to 11.00 but by 11:00 we hadn't made the fry bread.  So cooking continued past morning tea.  When we were done the fish pie and fry bread, we started getting tables out.  We also got napkins and cups for the fish pie.  When everyone came into the hall, the teachers called students names and they went to get their kai.  The bonus thing about being a chef was you were allowed leftovers. YUM!  To do cooking we used our perseverance muscle to try again when we failed.  An example when I used my perseverance muscle was when I was cutting potatoes and I almost cut my finger.  However I kept on going.  I used my noticing muscle to make sure that I was careful and grated the carrots and cheese the right way. 

Terenzo showing his flax creation

Students carving

Luca and Jack making their kite

Students enjoying their food

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