Friday, April 24, 2015

Mystery Man Part 2

Part 2: Armitage

 Four years later Mystery Man decided to get hired by an evil company.  After 3 months of looking he settled in with Armitage.  The main boss looked on his computer for someone to partner with.  “ OK sir,  you will be going with me, because everybody else is full “.  When Mystery Man went to the office he also found someone else there as well.  “ Who are you? “ asked Mystery Man.  The man on the chair span around.  “ I'm Zonoz, Mr Mysteryhutter’s sidekick.  Who are you? “.  “ I'm Mystery Man, the bosses sidekick”.  “Thats Mr Mysteryhutter” said Zonoz.  Suddenly Mr Mysteryhutter entered the room.  Mystery Man turned around instantly.  “Mystery Man, I've got a costume for you” said Mr Mysteryhutter.  “Yes sir” said Mystery Man.  When Mystery Man left the room to try on his new costume, Mr Mysteryhutter and Zonoz smiled.  “Only two years and 10 days”.  Two years later when Mystery Man was turning 26 in 10 days, he had only received two jobs.  This made him extremely furious, so he went to see Mr Mysteryhutter.  Annoyingly he wasn't there.  The next day he went there.  Still wasn't there.  Next day … STILL WASN'T THERE.  One week later Mystery Man had been there three months and 10 days.  At 8:43 that night he was walking to the bosses office to complain about the low number of jobs when THWAP! THWAP THWAP!